Chordsearch - past problems now fixed by 1.32 release

Number Priority Status

Version fix

4 2 Closed 1.15 Built in help produces "Topic not found" for a lot of the dialogs
5 3 Closed 1.16 User chord directory written to application installation directory - change to My Documents
6 3 Closed 1.16 Chord Titles corrupted for ChordSearch_App.class
7 2 Closed 1.20 Assert error on changing tuning when German Language selected.
8 4 Closed 1.23 Change tuning in Fretboard display with no Chords - does not update.
9 4 Closed 1.22 Changing scale size via Dialog is not reflected in pull down combo control.
11 4 Closed 1.30 Startup: Notes Property Page has Add button enabled - although no Notes have been selected yet.
12 4 Closed 1.30 Add user defined chord to User Directory need to update title "no chord id" to name chosen.
14 4 Closed 1.30 Tools -> Options -> Sound - default not working for Instrument.
15 3 Closed 1.30 HTML scratchpad finger positions cut into circles
19 3 Closed 1.31 Print / Print Preview E major G# overlaps B
22 3 Closed 1.31 Save As html - not pointing to selected directory
23 4 Closed 1.31 Save chord to User directory via PR menu - does not clear 'd' of end of No chord id found
27 4 Closed 1.31 Print / Preview page number left justified - should be centre


Priority Level key

1 Critical
2 High
3 Medium
4 Low
5 Trivial

Last Updated: 03-May-2013   11:04:25 AM